Strawberry toast with cream cheese for breakfast

Strawberry toast with cream cheese for breakfast

Strawberry Toast With Cream Cheese Recipe

Recipe difficulty: 🥕

strawberry (10 pieces)
toast bread (4 pieces)
cream cheese for toasts

⏳ cooking time - 15 min

💬 Note: Besides the fact that this meal suits for nutritional breakfast the serving is great. Strawberries can be replaced by other berries or fruit e.g raspberry, banana, apricot (why not) and up to your fantasy.

How to make a cheerful breakfast

1. Toast bread a little on both sides
2. Smear a toast with cream cheese
3. Lay cut strawberry peaces on top of the toast
strawberry toast with cream cheese
4. Enjoy your meal!
strawberry toast for breakfast

Saturday, July 27, 2024

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