Strawberry and apricot toast with cream cheese for breakfast

Strawberry and apricot toast with cream cheese for breakfast

Strawberry Apricot Toast Recipe

Recipe difficulty: 🥕

5 strawberries
5 apricots
toast bread (4 pieces)
cream cheese for toasts

⏳ cooking time - 15 min

💬 Note: There are so many different kinds of breakfast. You may choose to fry some eggs with vegetables or cook porridge. But this breakfast variation - toast with cream cheese and fruits - is so cheerful and colorful that you shoud try to make it to feel summer vibes.
toast with cream cheese and fruits recipe

How to cook easy and tasty breakfast with fruits at home

1. Toast bread a little on both sides
2. Smear a toast with cream cheese
3. Lay cut strawberry and apricot peaces on top of the toast
strawberry and apricot toast with cream cheese
4. Enjoy your meal!
strawberry and apricot toast for breakfast

Saturday, July 27, 2024

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