Recipe of cottage cheesecakes

Recipe of cottage cheesecakes

Cottage Cheesecakes Recipe

Recipe difficulty: 🥕🥕

2 packs of low-fat cottage cheese
1 egg
4 tbsp all-purpose flour
4 tbsp sugar
crumbs for baking

⏳ cooking time - 25 min

💬 Note: For this cottage cheesecakes recipe you may add some more ingredients you like. For example - raisins or your fav fruit slices. Serve with sour cream, jam or honey

How to cook home made cottage cheesecakes

1. Mix cottage cheese, egg, flour and sugar in a bowl
Mix ingredients in the bowl
2. Make some little buns (like hockey pucks)
Cottage cheesecakes ready to fry
3. Drop each bun into the crumbs on both side
4. Preheat the pan to the medium hot state with olive oil then reduce heat to low
Fry on the pan cottage cheese cakes

Cottage cheese cakes with gokden crust
5. Fry cottage cheesecakes on both sides for 2 min until golden crust
Fried cottage cheese cakes

Saturday, July 27, 2024

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