Potato Slices Recipe
⏳ cooking time - 1h 10 min
💬 Note: This dish is so scrumptios and easy. Try to cook it at home just once and you will be surprised that it is that good! Ingredients you need just a few potatoes and some vegetables and the baking time.
How to cook potato slices in the oven at home
1. Wash under the cold water potatoes, zucchini and tomato
2. Peel potatoes and cut on slices. Lay on the baking dish smeared with olive oil

3. Strew the spices on top of the potatoes

4. Cut on slices zucchini, carrot and cut on circles tomatoes. Add on top of the potatoes

5. Bake the dish in the oven 375 F (190 C) about 50 min