Recipe of chicken

Recipe of chicken

Chicken In The Oven Recipe

Recipe difficulty: 🥕🥕

2,2 lb (1 kg) chicken,(any part)
1 can tomato paste
1 tea spoon salt and pepper,
4 table spoon olive oil
5-7 medium potatoes

⏳ cooking time - 1 h

💬 Note: This tomato paste marinade is for lazy ones but the taste is good and healthy. Right choice for cooking when you do not have enough fresh ingredients.
If you really very hungry you can try it just from the oven.

How to cook chicken in the oven with marinade

1. Prepare chicken meat
Wash under the cold water a little and wipe with paper towel. Lay chicken into ovenproof dish with olive oil
2. Salt and pepper chicken. Grease chicken with tomato paste
3. Wash potatoes under cold water and peel. Cut in circles, use a pinch of salt and pepper
Chicken ready for the oven
4. Preheat oven 392F(200C). Bake in the oven for 45-50 min
Chicken ready to eat

Saturday, July 27, 2024

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